A New Change with ADSL
Mid 90's when I got first Internet experience I did not think about 512 Kbps home broadband channels. Now it is reality , of course it is reality to me. I got an ADSL line to my room. Now I feel like I am fully connected.
In the Colombo city ADSL is a reality but out of the city limit still it is a dream. Demand for high speed lines are huge but my problem is why SLT can waiting to get in to the market. There is no any risk this kind of investment. Also Sri Lanka middle class can bear the current monthly rental. SLT should do better job than this.
Analog communication is becoming obsolete but still Sri Lankans coulden't pass analog era. DSL , VoIP and WiFi are ahead us but top TRC officers are not aware these things. They still struggle to expand the analog networks.